“The five and sixth senses are but the same the sixth only reports that which has not been seen or heard, nor felt, smelt or tasted to the uninitiated”
Self-remembrance is about being able to ‘note’ and ‘understand’ what is happening within and around us. As a human develops, they become neurologically adapted, using all the faculties that we have. Each neurological division provides a competency that gives us feedback about our environment. Our human nervous system has borrowed aspects of the sub-kingdom’s neural competencies, and upgraded them–put in new software!
This means we borrow primitive behaviors from organisms such as the amoeba and other single-celled organisms and have carried on with the capacity to switch on or off. Of course, we do so at many levels of sophistication but the initial ‘trick’ is polarization of the amoeba’s pseudopods which allow it to move. They move forwards or away from inclement environments by reversing polarity in the cell wall which prompts alternate movement of the outstretched arm. Awareness is through our many sensory nuclei throughout the body whether proprioceptors, pressure receptors, nocioceptors, pain, or chemicals. They all provide data about ‘fields’ or states (chemical or otherwise). Our higher senses, which our animal self provides, give us the ability to be attentive, along with the reception of sensory data in all its forms–pressure changes, resonances, and sub-audible sounds. Our human mindfulness will often provide for our sixth sense. This is the collation of all data, and, often through quiet and internal silence, in a moment of clarity, provides the “ah ha’s” the understanding of what is.
The human qualities characterized by IFRS represent the bridge that neurologically we, at that moment of awareness, possess. So to notice is a characteristic of our brain to pinpoint a reflex that has been thrown, in yourself or others. Our flexibility is the neural network of the ANS and Enteric NS which provides for sensing the change in a field. Etc.
The following five words encapsulate the capacity to remember:
To Notice
– to note when something changes – in the shadows, polarized, switched off, 0, or 1. At this level of cognition, there is no sense of this, merely something different. It is unknown and more or less hidden; yet there will be a change in the dynamic of the organism.
You may simply see that people have switched off, staring into space, playing on their phones, looking out of the window, or gossiping. Often it’s a single word that switches people off; touching a hot issue, a memory, smell, or some handle that pulls the switch. In groups it can be monotony, boredom, lack of interest, or someone taking the ‘air’ from the group, sucking them dry. This may be a dull presentation, or overly long. A monologue will do it as well as a didactic conversation which abuses the listeners.
‘Something just changed, what was it?’
‘Have you just switched off?’
Be aware
– to sense, be empathic, feel, and note that you have noticed a ‘field’. This field–some force fills space which can be felt and can alter the states of the people in the environment of this field. A field can operate, influence, or fill a person, a group, a department, or the general environment. Usually, the field is present and because it is ‘normal’ we are not aware of it. However during meetings, or difficult situations afield can be generated. This can be through the actions of a single person or several or a group. To be aware infers a consciousness of how we feel, or how we feel in a particular situation or place.
“ I feel that I am …”
“ I am feeling as if…”
Always personalize how we feel. This allows the person(s) you are talking to feel safe, not victimized, abused, or attacked.
A business environment will always exist in a field. The field may be personal, local, systemic, or global. A field fills space. It is a product of singular or multiple-phase coherent emission of EM waves. These waves fill the available space and will, if their force is big enough displace any other field resident at the time. These fields may be resident or permanent and therefore are not apparent; that is felt nor ever accessed into awareness because they are habitual. It’s as if a driver gets into the car and the immediate smell of tobacco is not apparent because the small is what is. However, a companion may get into the car and immediately be overtaken by the smell. This example needs clarification as smell is a property of our animal instincts yet in a higher sense-and could be said that we nevertheless still have to be aware of such. Most businesses exist in the realm of what is. That is there will always be a field–in successful businesses the field carries optimism, a ‘we can do it’ atmosphere. In failing businesses, the field may carry fear, anxiety, a sense of job instability, and impermanence. The job of the manager/employee is to sense or be aware of a changing field, or a field that arises spontaneously in a meeting or similar. Once accessed the next question of what is this can be asked.
Be attentive
– to instinctively know what is happening; behind your back, behind closed doors, behind language, to be attentive to what drives you, or has taken you off track. Attentive to the local, departmental, industrial, or market forces. Attention is at the animal level; it is a precursor to survival and flight or fight. It is reactive and not reflective but reflexive. This force in action has shape, size, and power. It readily affects people. It has the taste of work, and ambition, as well as being covert, survival-based, tricky, or treacherous. It is an animal in its essential nature and can hurt, wound, overpower, and metaphorically kill.
“Look, guys, I see that this is … ”
This is the understanding that something has taken power–a stereotype or water cooler gossip has got out of hand, rumours that have become larger than life.
Be mindful
– to possess a mind that is open and wide, quiet and still, receptive and inclusive so that we are able to grasp what is going on, understand the dialogue, and respond rather than react. Mindful of the collective thinking, the beliefs, ideas, and human choices being exercised around you. Essentially it is a mind that is able to pause–find quiet and silence (or surrender).
“ I believe that … ”
This is about naming what is going on–placing a name to the stereotype or putting a stop to a rumour, or negative office dynamics.
Be conscious
– a word that we think applies to life generally, but really denotes the idea that we are fully conscious of what is occurring at a global, archetypal level rather than personal or local.
“ I am conscious that we are operating from a … (archetype )”
“ I am in this … (archetype)”
From an ontological perspective, being conscious infers the highest level of cognition, more than the classical human nous or knowing. This state is usually accompanied by an epiphany or realization of the overall pattern or heart of the matter. In effect it is wisdom. The archetype would present itself as the operating system that alters function – that is, this level of consciousness would elicit an ‘ah ha’ as the perspective enlarges into the blueprint or knowing of what is the overarching reality.
The language of ‘awareness’ – technically we can use the adjective aware to describe differing situations – to mean how we now feel, what’s going on, a new perception &c. Linguistically we use the noun awareness to include a full range of consciousness. We would like to use the noun or adjective aware in its most limited sense. “I became aware of a sensation”, (a sensory feeling) would be in its strictest meaning. This is the neurological competence of a single-celled amoeba that can sense its surroundings, and if toxic, make a retreat by reversing polarity in its pseudopod, and reversing. This particular form of awareness is, granted, primitive, but it places the word into a particular niche of competence.
From an ontological perspective, being conscious infers the highest level of cognition, more than the classical human nous or knowing. This state is usually accompanied by an epiphany or realization of the overall pattern or heart of the matter. In effect it is wisdom. The archetype would present itself as the operating system that alters function – that is, this level of consciousness would elicit an ‘ah ha’ as the perspective enlarges into the blueprint or knowing of what is the overarching reality.