Allergies – Kosher milk allergies but not to nonruminant milk! Kosher milk – a clue to the dissemination of inherited tendencies.
Preamble – SAN FRANCISCO – People who are allergic to cow’s milk also react to milk from goats, ewes, and buffaloes, all of which are kosher animals, being ruminants and having cloven hooves. But the same people don’t react to milk from camels or mares, which are not kosher. These observations led Israeli researchers to wonder whether there might be a “kosher epitope” accounting for the pattern of cross-reactivity.
NB ep·i·tope (p-tp) n. – the surface portion of an antigen capable of eliciting an immune response and of combining with the antibody produced to counter that response.
This is a letter written back to the Medical Post that reported this:
“With regard to the kosher epitope – could it infer that there is collective and psycho-neural ‘map’ that is built into the genome; as over the millenia, strictly kosher Jews have not varied their diets and thus built up a ‘map’ of milk from ruminants and not been exposed to other ‘maps’ of milk from non ruminants. When we are allergic it means that the person rather than our mere chemistry is irritable with a substance – unless we continually use the reductionist model that the human species is simply our chemical constituents and reactivity.”
Material, vegetal, animal, human, and spiritual levels of our ‘house’
- Material: its raw elements at the molecular level,
- Vegetal: a chemical level – in this case – its proteins and carbohydrates, fats
- Animal: its power – its psychoactive constituents,
- Human: its role in human culture as food,
- Noble: spiritual values – kosher, ritualistic, or otherwise.
When we drink milk or any other food we absorb in its matter other energies, and not just its constituent chemical parts.
In classical homeopathy–which is used, in much of Europe, to successfully treat constitutional or inherited patterns or tendencies towards particular types of illness, is the word “Tsorat “– the Hebrew word for separation, stain, unclean, different, outcast, unloved–and from which we [and homeopaths] use the word psora–the basis of the word psoriasis), and to which miasma–a Greek term for stain, or fog–infers. This terminology is used in describing humans as having a miasmic tendency (for miasma read genetic predisposition) which is inherited and if it were psora (one of four classical patterns or miasma)–we would be inferring that we have inherited an allergic tendency to things that we are irritable (itchy) with, and this clouds or ‘wafts through’ (like a miasma) our structure.
Could it be that those people who are allergic to cow’s milk or goats, ewes, and buffaloes are in fact allergic to the cultural stigma of some aspect of kosher – inferring ‘clean/unclean as in the Islamic similar of haram (harmful) and halal (purified /clean) and that they contain some aspect of themselves that is in fact ‘unclean’, so that when they imbibe/eat something that is designated ‘clean ‘ it reflects or illustrates their own opposite state, or an inference of unclean feeling or similar towards the ‘mother’ [as the root source of milk]? My experience is that almost all allergic mechanisms are psycho-neural–in that, our humanity, the neocortical self, is fed/nudged by some innate internal essence–nous or being–that directs the human to become irritable with things to illustrate that we are separate from it. It is a natural alarm to indicate that we are diffident of, distanced from, unloving towards, separate from its inference and meaning.
Common with Neoplatonic, early Christian, Judaic Kabalism, and Islamic theology and now with a modern understanding of quantum physics, we contain the root genome of what has gone on before, and these elements that may enforce their dictates upon us. [The philosophical notion is that each level of being is an emanation or life force that is various and hierarchical that we contain the lower four, and that we reach continually for what we are separate from, which is that which is above.]
“The philosophical notion is that each level of being is an emanation or life force which is various and hierarchical, and that we contain the lower four, and that we reach continually for what we are separate from, which is that which is above.”
Although creationists decry the old model of ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’ we nevertheless can note that we all contain elements of the genome or instructions of old or defunct instructions, evolutionary blindspots, and the bits and pieces of many species that have been built into our own genetic makeup. We contain the information gleaned from primitive unicellular life (material), multicellular adaptation or vegetative life (vegetal), reptilian, amphibian, and mammalian (animal) prototypes. This may infer that we have all these kingdoms as our foundation within our own human matrix.
Allergies at differing levels of self may tell us:
When we are irritable with household mites, dust, mould, yeast, and fungi we may look at that which we are unaware of in the cellar of ourselves, the basement, our DNA. What is it that we are separate from, that we have inherited and are irritable about? What lies in the underworld, the material world, our shadows, or the unconscious? What’s decaying, dead or stagnant?
When allergic to food, what element of nourishment are we irritable about?
When irritable with pollen (seeds) and external elements – environmental toxins, etc. – where is our animal or instinctual self that provides our first level of protection whether at a barrier level, skin or mucosal level, chemical barrier, immune competency, energetic barrier and others?
When irritable with animal hair etc. what are we separate from in terms of our gender, sexuality, ambition, drive, ‘oomph’ of our own animal, survival, or instinctive (mammalian) self?
When allergic to man-made ‘things’ what is it that we are humanly reactive to, that we are unable to have a relationship with?
When we manifest autoimmune illnesses toward our own tissues, what identity do we attack? What identity have we inherited or taken on that we attack, as we do not recognize it as Self?
It is these elements:
- material (genetic or constitutional) self – the gene activators that switch genes on or off – and which are mediated from our subconscious, hidden and yet primal memories, personal and cultural history, genetic and memetic patterns
- vegetative autonomic self – ANS and midbrain – the limbic sensory references that we constantly refer to and are often unbalanced by
- instinctual or mammalian self – the limbic and sensory-motor cortex – the habits, patterns, and addictions we are held to
- neocortical or human self – the beliefs, myths, and constructed models of reality that fill us
- integrated or identity self – the personal and greater identities that we assume are foisted with, adopt, or borrow …
… that do not seem to be looked at, as we continually look at the nutritional and pharmaceutical driven model of: feed it, ablate it, knock out the symptoms [all at the vegetative level] so that we humans have no idea that our brilliant piece of machinery built over aeons, possesses a unique intelligence – which is not only innate [material], intuitive [vegetative], instinctual [animal] and which may contain nous or know [human] that warns us about our own selves [identity], and our patterns and foibles – whether local, in the collective field, herd or tribal, or indeed global.
Tsorat – Hebrew for separate, unclean, lonely, outcast comes from the story of Ruth [the second born, the one that Jacob loved], Leah [the unmarried firstborn, who was stained or marked by an ‘uncomely eye’], and Jacob [the suitor]. Perhaps we ought to all read it, for it depicts the birth of the twelve Jewish tribes – Leah produced six of the twelve patriarchs–but she herself always felt betrayed, unloved, and as an outcast for she was always seconded by Rachel. Three of her son’s names depicted her internal state and tribulations. The term psora in homoeopathy is the first in the four miasms Samuel Hahnemann MD, described as the root ills of human life – these were:
- psora
- pseudo-psora (tubercular)
- Sycosis (gonorrhoea)
- syphilis
Related Articles: Allergy – psora