Neurological elements, and the unseen world
October 3-6 2019 – The Old Granary, Boxgrove, E. Sussex.
This workshop is experiential, practical, and information-rich. During these three and a half days, we will explore the idea that we are both a structured entity and layered arrangements of being. This infers that beyond the physical there are different realms. We exist in these realms, partially or completely. In our understanding and experience, we mostly live partially. We are emergent creatures. Just as our intellect, character, and awareness emerge slowly over the decades of our lives, so does this internal understanding of who we are. When our outer and inner life are combined, we begin to manifest as true humans; compassionate, open, wide, proactive, dynamic, and successful in our lives irrespective of our occupation or ‘job’.
if we might imagine that we are an evolving creature, whose nature develops and emerges from something rather solid, steadfast, and unchangeable, to levels whereby we exhibit a much more comprehensive, fluid nature, exhibiting qualities that benefit our communities, countries, and globe. To allow us to become these vital humans, it is paramount that we are able to listen, see, and act on the guidance that co-exists within us. We have often said that it is guidance that makes us human. All of the living planet is guided, whether by polarity, electromagnetic fields, smell, the stars or sun, intuition, or a Higher sense of an Implicate reality. Within us, are elements that can guide us, they are nominally external when not utilized and therefore seen as causal elements that exist but have no connection. However, in this workshop, we will bring alive these elements within you, and get them to be heard, acknowledged, and understood. These elements–allies– then become part of us; they guide us because we constantly make mistakes, our behavior thwarts us, we sabotage ourselves, go off track, or listen to our consciences. These elements become a lower order of neurological nudges, whereas when we surrender, we are opening ourselves to a Higher order of guidance. They are invaluable resources.
“Within the differing realms that create the true human, are many other elements. We need to get to know them, and understand their purpose”
The unseen world(s) are populated by many different elements. Their nature and shape are colored and altered by differing cultures, religious models, and superstition. We need to become aware of these elements and allow them to communicate to us through our bodies (our neurology) so that they can act in their true capacity which is to aid the emergent human. They offer not only a glimpse into our potential but also, by harnessing their energy and purpose, enable us to change and transform our neurological habits and patterns, and so, co-create a more human consciousness.