InnerDialogue is the ability to listen to what is. This complete course develops the art and science of Inner Listening–a process to develop guidance through silence, quietness, pause, presence, and companionship–In this way, we may be visited by the Logos so that a true narrative can inform both practitioner and client. If we can be in a united field, practitioner, client, and the Implicate or central core that underlies all that there is, then the field can inform us. We, as practitioners, do not have to search for the narrative but allow it to come to us.

InnerDialogue: The Basic Courses

A partial syllabus for a comprehensive understanding of Ontological Kinesiology would include the following:

1] Introduction to kinesiology – a neurokinetic feedback system.
Fallacies, inaccuracies, foibles, and misunderstanding of kinesiology. A complete course in the development of learning to use kinesiology as an accurate tool through the understanding of its fundamental inaccuracy.

2] Introduction to the proto-language or gesture-based language that are called mudras/hand modes.

  • Conversations in a non-verbal dialogue

  • Dialogue – After Bohm

3] An introduction to the levels of emergent being – an ontological framework that emerged from Aristotle and Plotinus and onwards. The human template model.
A hierarchical understanding of the human organism, the various niches–their function and nature. This is both an amalgam and further development of the philosophical, ontological classification known as The Great Chain of Being.

4] An implicit recognition of the disorganization of the human organism based upon dialogue to ascertain the root cause that creates or initiates ‘accidents’, misplacement, usurpation, and foreign dominance of niche. The distortion of each level of being, or the human qualities that are in their wrong place or relationship.

InnerDialogue provides for all of these criteria. You will learn how to dialogue with another human being to enable the story to emerge that caused the organizational capacity of the organism to be altered.

  • You will learn to address different aspects of the organism to help reorganize the various elements so that they can support the whole being.

  • You will be taken further into the levels of emergent being and be given mudras that directly address the many elements within each level.

  • The modules will cover the genetic, physiological, instinctual, and psychological niches and the relevant mudras/modes that allow dialogue with this realm and aspect of the human being.

  1. Material: Somatic or base level – genetic inheritance, feng shui, aggressive energy, miasma, somatic aspects of our physical structure [chakras, plexi, tissues, organs, body parts],

  2. Vegetal: Autonomic or metabolic system – forms of nourishment, adaptation, chakras, and plexi, aspects of functional qi/chi, organs, and vegetative systems.

  3. Animal: Instincts, drive, and survival mechanisms – habits, addictions, neural pathways, sexuality, tribe, community, the ‘other’.

  4. Human: our psyche and potential – ancestral resources, burdens, beliefs, curses, and psychological patterns.

  5. Noble: Inspiration and love for a Greater reality other than self – the misuse of the mind – material spiritualism, the nafsu (dominant passions), thoughts that fly: to the underworld, into fantasy, uncharted territory, illusion, and delusion.


Sophisticated therapeutic protocols can be learned–augmenting techniques that may already be used by practitioners.

Cranial Fluid Dynamics (CFD) – a form of osteopathy in the cranial field or craniosacral therapy but which is ontological in nature, and where the found narrative is held in the body, rather than the tissues or rhythms.

Qi-in a rhythm [that uses acupatches, needling, pressure points to stimulate the rhythm and flow of the qi within the vegetal meridian systems], massage.

Allergy –from symptom to Source are protocols to counter the myriad allergic cascade and delayed and autoimmune allergic mechanisms now found in many people.

Resonances These particular protocols also include a comprehensive set of resonances and attendant mudras which add a homeopathic-like or resonance protocol to augment change at the material resonant level.

InnerDialogue ™  |  Ontological Kinesiology  |  Human Template Model constellation |

© all rights 1986-2025 Solihin Thom