“This is a further post made in reply to a movie on YouTube about the pineal gland; and how to look after its function by not using fluoride (as in water, or toothpaste)

The film: Very interesting if not a little zealous and perhaps oversimplified. Certainly, the pineal-pituitary horizontal axis acts as a capacitor, and creates a field through movement, whether axonally (neurotransmitters) or through the actual micromovement of both glands consequent to the cerebral cortex’s own movement in what’s called the cranial rhythmic impulse. As this woman said we live in a physical body, which survives through action rather than action-potential, and as all tissues ought to move, including the pineal itself, it behooves me to add an addendum.

The pineal (and pituitary) moves when we are fully functional. it does so by dint of its surrounding meninges which anchors it to the interior nuchal line and median internal occipital protuberance located at the confluence of the (venous) sinuses, approx. sited at the middle of the externally felt ridge across the occipital bone. As the brain moves around its centrally placed axis through the interventricular bridge between both thalami and within the third ventricle, the pituitary and pineal are milked as if sucked by an infant, only it is the stretch and release of our meningeal or dural envelope that does the milking as the brain rotates posteriorly, expands laterally through the temporal lobes, and shortens vertically – for approx. 3 seconds, and then it reverses direction, as yang moves gently into yin, and rotates the other way.  Anteriorly towards the frontal bones and upwards towards the parietal cupola of the skull, moving downward elongating its vertical axis, contracting or pulling in its lateral arms which are the temporal lobes, and going into extension. This micro movement creates a simultaneous movement of both glands creating an environment that promotes vascular / oxygen exchange, drainage, nutrition, and setting up a life-enhancing dynamic. This in itself promotes one’s brow chakra or visual perceptions–hence dreaming, and visionary images. The optic nerves pass very close to the infundibulum or pituitary stalk and may be the mechanism that promotes visual images to be triggered in our occipital cortex, through the lifting and lowering of the hypothalamic floor, and the gently pull and release of the optic nerves. So we have a natural movement that promotes the well-being of this important neuro-psycho-spiritual axis (which is what our chakras are; plexi that gather and hold data as fields–they act as capacitors, the data held may be good or bad, useful or pathological) Note the phrasing–it’s neurogenic; for it triggers our subconscious, or shadow self and illuminates this, and also our housework and debris collation, that our brain does when we dream (defrags, decompartmentalizes, partitions, resets and places data into folders) so we are given insight rather than intuition–which is actually ‘gut’ mediated–and this insight may be the product of our untidy drawers in our house (body). On the other hand, more positively, when we are truly surrendered or in a state of mindfulness our perceptions (visually projected third eye) may contain a truth.  All receiving is always mediated, obfuscated by our own state.

There are meditations to reorganize your pineal, and I am in the beginning phase of filming it graphically (photos and animation) so lay people can begin to get their pineal-pituitary axis to move again, despite the myriad physical lesions that lock down this inherent movement. (Their own cranial osteopathic meditation) This inherent movement in itself, may be the counterbalance to the calcification of this gland, as movement counteracts stasis and the build-up of elements (matter) that do crystallize and lock up this gland.

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