We have a 158-card set that has emerged out of the clinical work that Solihin and Alicia Thom have undertaken over the last 40 years.
The cards are not illustrated as a homogenous pack of similar paintings or illustrations but as an amalgam of styles to illustrate the varied, mystical, and even components of life here on Earth. They include The Singularity or Oneness of the multiverse (The Implicate Reality) that we are part of and the descent of the soul and what it brings with it through its phylogenetic evolution through layers of matter. This Explicate Reality (after David Bohm) or unfolding from the Implicate is chronicled through various cards, followed by the elements that accompany us, that may get in the way of who we are, as well as archetypal and ally components that facilitate our journey back to our Source.

Order and internal hierarchy is the essential aspect of each of us as humans. Unfortunately, life often gets in the way of our ability to grow internally (in our soul) so that we evolve as noble creatures. Our internal structure is often dysfunctional and out of order.
A Being Human card reading process is pretty straightforward, for these are used like an oracle or Tarot deck, except these are not divination cards. We use 5 cards to illustrate the levels of being or realms within which we all operate. We named them, some forty years ago, using an ontological language: Material, Vegetal, Instinctual, Human and Portal. The portal leads up to the spiritual realms, and we presuppose that this is that doorway through which we surrender the inference or meaning relative to the card (placed opposite) to an Implicate Reality or Singularity (God, Allah, Yahweh…&c).
- The five cards are placed vertically from the foundation (material DNA card) upwards to the portal.
- If this is a single person using the cards privately or two, practitioner and person, using them as. a reading, then we ask in either situation to take a moment to be silent, quiet and paused. In this state of mindfulness, they then…
- … think of a question, statement, or enquiry in their immediate consciousness and surrender it.
- They shuffle, cut and then spread the cards in a fan shape or however, they want to facilitate choosing a card. These are face down.
- Through their intuition, impulsiveness, reactivity, or studied precision, they then choose a card for each realm, which is placed sequentially face down opposite the five vertically placed cards.
- NB Occasionally, they may pick two cards for a particular realm, and we encourage that the two cards be placed (in some order) next to the realm they were choosing. This both dilutes but adds depth to the nuance of what they need to know.
- Now they turn over, one by one each card, and with the help of the booklet provided, do their best to decipher the nuance that the card illustrates per realm. The booklet will provide sufficient information to help decipher, but depending on which card is pulled and to which realm, it may complicate the immediate reading or understanding of the meaning. It is better, then, to uncover all the cards to see the bigger picture.
- The fifth card is rather difficult to read as it ought, to sum up the transparent meaning of the reading or what is hidden behind it. It illustrates what needs to be surrendered. What pattern, thought, archetype, spiritual nuance, or state do they need to relinquish, surrender The Implicate Order?
- Once the cards have been read and an understanding unfolds, you may pull a sixth card, which we term a ‘Clue‘. This is the nuance of the read, a clue. It is not black and white, but a taste of what this narrative may mean, what to do, or what the summation of all the cards contains.
- A seventh card may be pulled from the card set after the clue. This is designated as a capitalised ‘HELP’ card. It asks, ‘How on earth do I unravel this, go about this change?’ It may be slightly oblique initially, but we ask the person to read the booklet descriptions and the prologue, which contains a valuable initial understanding of how and what the cards infer. This ‘help’ card may not always be obvious, so it is permissible to take a further card to widen its meaning.
- In the end, after they feel that they got it, ask them, if possible, to take their phones and photograph the layout. This will help them remember.
To understand more, visit our YouTube channel to watch some shorts on reading the cards.
The BH cards retail at $70 + p.p.
You can order directly through the following email address.
- robin@soulitch.com (Oregon)
- Shoretoshore1@yahoo.com (Florida)