4 workshops to be held bimonthly over 2025, in Florida and Oregon, and Austria.

In 2025, our teachers will offer four sequential workshops, giving future practitioners a complete understanding of the work’s intricacies, complexities, and sophistication in an easily digestible form. There will be a short immersion weekend before these, which will introduce you to the constellation practice (HTM) developed by Solihin Thom. The following four workshops will be rounded off by a 12-day recapitulation of the whole work taught by Solihin. This will be at a date to be decided, possibly near the end of ’25 or in the spring of ’26.

If interested, please email the following practitioners. They will provide further details.

David Rosas: david@innerhumanlife.com

Robin Johnston robin@soulitch.com

Raimund and Andra Gaisbauer: (Austria): raimund.gaisbauer@gmx.at

These workshops will introduce you to:

  • The Ontology of a Human Being.
  • The exegesis or philosophical nature of the human essence and its sub-domains.
  • The Life forces that exist within and around us and how they affect us, either positively or negatively.
  •  Kinesiology – its origin, capabilities, bias, and fundamental building blocks to be clear, precise and accurate.
  • Mudras, or gestures, are nonverbal protolanguages. This section explains how they work and how to use them as a language.
  • A preliminary process to access what we term ‘entry’ is the initial engagement we all undertake to begin a conversation with a client. It is a precise yet sophisticated process that starts telling the underlying narrative.
  • Various different mudras and protocols gain in sophistication as you proceed through the ensuing workshops.
  • Ultimately, by the fourth, you will have working fluency using the work in this initial modular form. The fifth and final workshop will introduce the dBase, which contains vast knowledge and processes culled from forty years of clinical practice. Solihin will teach this over twelve days.
  • You will receive a certificate of proficiency and be allowed to use the dBase when completing this final piece of the work.

InnerDialogue is an evolving system. It uses around sixteen hundred precise mudras (gestures), as a protolanguage to enable dialogue. Many other add-ons (e.g., challenges–when we gently provoke the organism) help promote a precise narrative to arise. As with any conversation, and with each practitioner, coach, etc., the conversation will be different. The language (individual narrative) accessed will also reflect the practitioner, their capacity and experience, fluidity and ease-of-use with this specific language (mudras), and the client’s ability to be open and not be guarded, truthful, not devious. These contingencies are addressed within the training of practitioners, but the work is not absolute nor sometimes a ‘spoken truth’. However, the story that may emerge will be similar to a conversation; sometimes casual, hopefully intimate, occasionally flippant, or on a few occasions merely a mirage. These stories will reflect not only on the nature of the client but also on the practitioner who is clear enough in themselves to allow for a congruent, meaningful story or narrative to emerge.

The work now encompasses the workshops previously taught, as listed below. Solihin has encapsulated this previous therapeutic work model into a dialogue-intensive process. The students will be taught how a simple or complex narrative encapsulates the state of the person and, due to the force of this narrative that becomes visible, how this affects the organism. Simple yet sophisticated processes augment the therapeutic process if called upon. The narrative often provides the energy for change within the client, and a simple therapeutic process is not required.

The following workshops were taught. They were of variable length. The understanding, knowledge and explanations are fully encapsulated within the dBase which becomes the tool of choice when a practitioner is fully trained.


The practitioner, client, and computer become singularities when the two humans are in a common field. With what we understand as quantum entanglement, the machine can interact with the bioenergetic field of the other two. This enables the practitioner and client to interact with the computer’s screen, allowing their shared field to navigate a vast array of data and mudras. The narrative, however, is constantly checked through muscle testing. We have developed a rigorous standard for muscle testing. Still, using mudras to authenticate the reflex mechanism of the client and the narrative has provided us with certainty as to the veracity of this rather unexpected method.

The following were the original workshops. If you click on their links, you’ll be taken to their page, where you will learn about the nature of the workshop.

Workshops 2025

InnerDialogue ™  |  Ontological Kinesiology  |  Human Template Model constellation |

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