An ontological approach to allergies
Allergy–from symptom to Source icon
This is a 3-part series, each is 4 days
You will learn:
- The ontological premise behind the series
- The root cause of allergic mechanisms; and their various displays through the differing levels of the organism–material, vegetal, instinctual, human, and intellectual-spiritual.
- The primary miasm implicated in allergies
- The use of kinesiology as a feedback tool
- The use of mudras as somatosensory protolanguage
There are three workshops:
- Material & Vegetal–the ability to make an entry on allergic reactivity based on root or ancestral patterns and food allergies. The capacity to begin to have a comprehensive narrative about the reasons why the person is separate from this information, and how to change that.
- Animal & Human–to differentiate and make entries of the previous theme and those based on irritation towards the ‘anima’ part of the client and also to human patterns which also make people reactive.
- Archetypal–pattern of allergic response.
This is a deep, comprehensive body of work that will allow you to address allergic patterns; by allowing the person to understand the root operation that causes the irritant in the first place. Resolution is the understanding, acceptance, and surrender of the situation as well as the application of the various tools that you will learn, to help the body’s chemistry and physiology reorganize from the cascade effect of allergic reactions.