Exploring the forces that shape us and awaken an inner life
An ontological constellation workshop to awaken our true humanity
A human being develops from a natural order: our gestation in the womb mirrors a phylogenetic evolutionary chain–that is identical to the emergent evolution of the kingdoms known as–material, vegetal, animal and human.
Undifferentiated baby to differentiated adult
We mirror this unfolding as we go through gestation, then emerge into this life as horizontal creatures, before ultimately climbing out of our helplessness to evolve as children, teenagers, adults and so on. We both allegorically and literally go through as we are challenged to grow. Inside of us, we have this epigenetic urge to rise up and emerge into our full potential.
Epigenesis of being
This urge also provides us with resources that can help facilitate an intimate relationship with our inner self. As humans, we are equipped to lead both an inner and outer life. When these two are harmonious, they become one, so that our outer actions, thoughts, and feelings are guided by our inner self. This guidance can help us to fulfil our purpose as well as initiate a deep, rich relationship with the Great Life.
A disordered constellation; dominant human mind structured upon detail, dominant instincts–’on-the-go’, dominant SNS (adrenergic dominance), dominant DNA activated
All of our workshops have a common purpose–to bring to awareness the existence of the life forces. All matter contains potential energy. When this matter changes its state, the mass becomes energy. This energy becomes a force when it affects us. All of the matter and its resultant force originate from the Source–the Divine–and they form, together, a hierarchical relationship and order. However, one or more of these forces may, at times, become “out of order” or dominant. In this situation, their force changes our state often detrimentally. When this happens, our lives become disrupted affecting our wellbeing. Aligning ourselves with the Divine, and understanding the relationship of these forces and their actions, allows us to change the direction of our lives.
The participants will start to develop several new skills or enhance those that they already have acquired. One of the major tools we use in our work process is a particular constellation work (Human Template Model) developed by Solihin and Alicia Thom.
This is distinct from the similar named (constellations), but quite a different process, developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany and known now by various names–Systemic constellation, Family constellation–developed out of Hellinger’s particular passion to heal and resolve familial disorder, dysfunction, and unfinished business in our family trees.
This Systemic work is taught in many parts of the world, whilst our Life Forces and HTM work has been quietly developing so that its clarity and precision can be universal rather than developed into many other systems whose nuance and emphasis become the practitioner’s bias rather than the tool used. Solihin and B. Hellinger initially developed their work in parallel but in different countries; the latter in Germany, Solihin mostly in Austria and the UK.
Further understanding of the added complexities of HTM has developed in both the US and Russia.
The use of the word ‘constellation’ is used by both, because the elements portrayed constellate around an idea, thought, person, family, situation, or function.
In our HTM constellation module, we look at the constellation of the human being and the human relationship to its various elements and inherent qualities. In this way, the participant begins to recognize the influence of their own elements, and the force that these elements exert upon the person’s state, particularly when those elements are out of order or not used. Furthermore, the participant uses other people in the constellation to represent parts of themselves, but also participate in the constellation themselves. In surrender, the individuals then receive and are informed by a variety of inputs. These inputs are mostly sensorial, but also body movement, vision, or thought. Because of the vagaries and expanse of human thought the emphasis is to wake up the inner feeling so that through body somatic feedback we get non-verbal information which is then interpreted by the facilitator. This allows the constellation to be dynamic: in that it reveals a narrative of the actual arrangement of the elements (and their accompanying force and resultant influence) and the positioning, absence or otherwise of the human qualities that co-create harmony, unity, and coherence in the organism. The story or narrative unfolds, often revealing stereotypical elements that have captured their humanity, or archetypal elements that have literally become their domain–altering their purpose and higher goals. During the constellation work, the process is referred to as stop-motion, very like an animation, in that we allow the stop–the pause or surrender–to provide the input and reveal new data, and the motion to enact or put into place the new elements of the story through the participant’s feedback or received signal that provides sensorial data that gives us a very precise understanding of what the whole organism needs to communicate.
In this deep reverential and sacred process, the surrender and the consequent dialogue provide the environment for the participant to wake up faculties within their organism. It provides a venue for them to see and feel the forces in action–forces that may be ancestral, or stored feelings, those that may have taken power and created stereotypical patterns in their behaviour, or shrouded them in archetypal patterns that have stopped them from revealing their own true purpose. The continuation of the constellation into relative quietness and fullness–of the moment–or into completion often heralds an internal shift that will then be carried on in their ordinary lives, when they go back into their everyday activities.