
and the science and art of

ontological kinesiology

Courses 2025

In 2024 -25 the work will be taught in segments in the US, Austria and Russia. In the US it will be taught in Florida and Portland by authorised practitioners and a 10-day certification course will follow in either the US or in Turkey. This is an annual residential seminar on InnerDialogue as a complete system, and will be taught by Solihin Thom, probably in November 2025.

Please contact us if you are interested. (Link below)

NB Practitioners who have previously learnt the work either in its old or its present form, should come back as both a refresher and recertification.


We have both practitioners who have been taught in the old manner, and new ones who have learnt the new streamlined, deep extensive process. Both types of practitioners are qualified to support you on your journey, establishing your unique innerdialogue.

A dialogue is the narrative that you carry that interferes with your nature as a human being.

A narrative holds both energy and force; it is the force that changes your state.


The Work

InnerDialogue is mediated through a comprehensive (gesture-driven or mudra) language. Ontological kinesiology allows us to have a sophisticated feedback system that allows one to have an intimate, precise, deep and far reaching dialoge to emerge. A narrative or succession of narratives allows the person to understand the dynamics of how their physical, emotional, behavioural and mental body is altered by the force of these narratives. By understanding the narrative; whether from the past, in the moment or what is required for them to move forward, promotes spiritual, mental, behavioural, physiological and physical well-being.

Contact us

InnerDialogue developed over the past 40 years from early work done by Applied Kinesiology and Clinical Kinesiology. Both disciplines used Muscle Testing as a medium to communicate with a patient in a clinical environment.  Besides its physiological-based medical discipline, Kinesiology has had many iterations, some not surviving. Ontological Kinesiology (InnerDialogue created and mentored by Solihin Thom) has become a consistent standard for a fully integrated approach toward facilitating a completely congruent Human Being and a consequent state of well-being and health.

Muscle Testing is an accurate and precise feedback mechanism in the hands of a trained practitioner.  We recognise and teach the many variables that make classical kinesiology (in the health field) a biased, and sometimes inaccurate tool. We usually use one of the main shoulder muscles (deltoid) to help illustrate clearly how the body’s reflexes act through muscle dynamics. We challenge this particular muscle to see if it is strong or weak or, to use a less technical term, spongy! People mainly illustrate a strong pair of deltoid muscles unless there is a local injury. 

When a particular reflex mechanism on or in the body is initiated, the body takes it as a challenge. Likewise, when a hand mode or mudra is recognised by the organism as pertinent, the deltoid illustrates this by changing its state – from strong to weak, weak to strong. Sometimes, the change is very subtle, and practitioners learn to feel the changes, but mostly, the changes are distinct. Practitioners are taught a very precise mode of muscle testing through their stance, interaction, proximity, mindfulness, and attention to the subtleties of the body as they work with a person.


Mudras are a protolanguage. We have inherited it phylogenetically from the animal kingdom. Higher mammals, instinctively use gesture language to convey information. In humans, they are also a lingua franca, a common signing gesture to convey primitive information. Based on these observations, mudras have been developed by in martial arts, Daoist rituals, southern Indian dance, and ritual Javanese dancing. They are used in meditation and healing. They have a long history of use, conveying subtle information and altering people’s state,

InnerDialogue utilises this type of language.  Language starts from the most basic essential words, like Ima, Muma, and Mama, and grows outward.  The language from early Kinesiology was centred around mechanics, anatomy, and physiology.  Solihin felt in the beginning that if your issue was in a deeper realm or beyond an “owie” (hurt), the language was insufficient. Consequently, and over time, the lexicon has greatly expanded to include mudras that one might call ‘nouns (subjects) , adjectives, verbs and objects.’

These relate to our four levels of being as in a noun or object relates to the material or substantive aspect of a sentence. The adjective is the descriptive (vegetal) component. Verbs are the action (instinctual/animal), the ‘doing to’ aspect of a sentence. The object (human) is the end piece, the part that has something done to it!

This language has grown into a collection of around 1600 Mudras encompassing human subjects such as relationships, the spiritual, myths, djinns, resonances, fields, forces or power/magic, beliefs and the myriad of human conditions encountered on your Journey from birth to differentiated Human. What is remarkable is that over time, the work has transformed into an inner roadmap capable of guiding us through even the most intricate interior spaces, and yet is very grounded in the here and now, and practicalities of living here on earth.

We have moved away from a “clinical” environment and do not treat you as a patient or teach you to be a therapist.  We respectively call our students practitioners, but if you choose to be trained,  you are to be a partner on an inner Journey there to help someone better understand their state, needs or the road to a better outcome.  A most concise narrative will develop as the “Story”.  This “story” may be simple, profound, deep, or sacred., or all of these. 

The computer and the InnerDialogue database, laminated mudra and symbol sheets, and Being Human card set have become our central tools for the flow from sentence to sentence in the narrative.  The computer model has 4500 data records, around 1500 associated Mudras, challenges, and 350 Displays, ranging from conception, integrity, field dynamics, obsession, mental states, surrender, flexibility, qi, homœopathic rates, acupuncture displays and inner modalities to help facilitate change.  The work has grown exponentially. NB Practitioners can download the latest updates through this website.

Over the recent years, we have found that the Fibonacci Spiral has taken greater prominence in our Displays and work.  In the past, we have seen that we often recirculate our narratives as if they were in a circular pattern.  We often see this in ourselves, cycling back, in a rut like an animal, going around in a circle.  We didn’t see the real pattern—for every time we were in this repeated state (read karmic or fate), we could only see what was immediately in front of us or what trailed behind. We didn’t have a perspective on our situation.  We began to see that this new idealised pattern was better illustrated by the Fibonacci Spiral, which always grows wider with understanding and upward towards the beyond.  This structure is akin to nature as it unfolds and is a perfect model for inner growth, starting from nowhere and growing towards infinity.  Many of our new displays on the computer are part of that wider roadmap, winding outward and upward to lead us to better health and understanding.

An innerDialogue session is the unfolding of a narrative to bring one back to that which is enfolded.”

“Workshops are a collage of work, play, learning, growing, and deep connections”

InnerDialogue ™  |  Ontological Kinesiology  |  © all rights 1986-2024 Solihin Thom