Workshops in the United States
Below: Parts 1-3 InnerDialogue in two locations: Oregon and Florida

Austrian workshops 2025
(in German but English is also spoken)
Workshop content
- The underlying premise is to allow the primary narrative, carried by a human, to be revealed in the unified field. The narrative is held in a field, within or around the person, and being active has a force.
- A force is the energy that holds a person in a narrative, altering their structure, function, behaviour, mind, and spiritual content.
- The culmination of a session occurs when the narrative is revealed, altering the dynamics and/or allowing the individual’s body to communicate to the facilitator the most effective way, method, or technique to facilitate change. The facilitator often holds (cranial fluid dynamics) the narrative, enabling the fluid matrix to unravel the dysfunction. The body reorganises itself around its essence rather than the narrative.
Why would you learn this work?
- The whole work is invaluable for developing you as a future practitioner, consultant, coach, bodyworker, and therapist. It offers a process that is quite different from the therapy-heavy or supplement-based modalities that are common today. This human model looks at the libraries we carry that affect us: errant knowledge, limiting beliefs, addictive or repetitive negative behaviours, stuck emotions and entangled feelings, and ancestral memes or patterns inherited.
- It will widen, expand, and open your consciousness to the complexity and sophistication of the human, whose possibility is to rise above the lower aspects of self–material, vegetal, instinctual human–to be the steward of our body, maintain health and well-being, find our purpose, and connect to our soul or essence.
- It will allow whatever your profession, hobby, or passion is to accompany people on their journey through life, giving them an alternative model of illness and health. It will facilitate people’s putting their house (internal body state) in order so that their inner life supports their outer body (rather than the other way around).
- You will learn a non-interventionist model about listening, being present, allowing, and surrendering to the Knowing Field, which is, ideally, guided by that which is Implicate.
The work
The work will be delivered in modular components. The first three workshops will embed the practices that establish the foundation of InnerDialogue. This includes understanding the ontological exegesis or modelling and recognising and being aware of the forces within and around us that can often influence us. It offers a refined model of kinesiology that addresses concerns of bias or misuse through operator or participant manipulation and aims at achieving consistency in muscle response. This consistency allows us to unfold a narrative that reveals itself cleanly and accurately. The use of hand modes (mudras) will equip you with the language that aids you in the process of uncovering the participants’ narratives. These three workshops will prepare you to subsequently engage in the practice of this ontological process and support others in their healing, wellbeing, and re-establishment of contact with their essence.
A fourth workshop introduces you to the HTM (Human Template Model), which underpins the ontological metamodel. This interactive, engaging, and thought-provoking workshop gives you a dynamic understanding of your inner architecture and how misalignment may lead to illness, a lack of motivation or purpose, and the repetition of unhelpful behavioural patterns in your life. A bevvy of psychospiritual tools will assist in the resolution and act as helpful inner development tools to help your development.
Finally, a 10-day workshop will take place in Kalkan, Türkiye. This picturesque seaside town will accommodate you at a four-star hotel. Here, Solihin will grant access to the dBase, which will then be your co-property to use in practice. The dBase holds a vast array of modes, models, ideas, and charts to enrich this work’s expansion, depth, and breadth. All students will become fully proficient in using the entire dBase, including the numerous hand modes (approximately 1,600), body mudras or challenges (around 200), and images and archetypal patterns (about 600). This ensures that the deep underlying narratives carried by a client or participant are thoroughly understood by both the practitioner and, more importantly, the client. While the actual dialogue process facilitates change, additional techniques will be introduced and taught to enhance, simplify, and catalyse transformations within the client.
The workshop will offer a day off halfway through, with time to re-group, swim in the pool(s) or sea, hike, visit, eat out, and enjoy the delights of Kalkan and Türkiye.
Contact David, Robin, Raimund or Solihin – if you would like to sign-up, are interested or need further information. (NB Click on name)