Ad Humanitas is the parent company of InnerDialogue, the work of Solihin and Alicia Thom.
Solihin Thom has a background in osteopathic medicine, acupuncture and other adjunctive therapies. Alicia Thom has a background in neurolinguistic programming and coaching. This grounding and their search and inquiry as to purpose and life work prompted them to give birth to this body of work called InnerDialogue.
InnerDialogue–whose abbreviation is ID– is a symbolic representation of ‘identity’. Who are we? What are we doing? What is our purpose? Why are we dysfunctional, disordered, often ill, lacking in motivation, and somewhat lost?
InnerDialogue emerged as a blending of elements from emanation philosophical traditions and decades of clinical practice. Seeded from Aristotlean, Platonic, Early [Augustine] and Orthodox Christianity, [Lurianic] Qabalah and Islamic [Ibn al Arabi] roots, and mirrored by modern interpretation through visionaries such as Bohm, Schumacher, Graves, and Wilber. Emanation [literally ‘dripping’] philosophies suggest that we were once One but have separated. Our journey is to return to our origin. Our (various) state(s) of being are when we are separated from The Implicate Reality.
InnerDialogue presents a human template model, similar to the emanationists who noted that we contain levels of being or lower aspects of self [Arabic nafs], for within each human lies elements of our phylogenetic past; and may be named as our material, vegetal, animal and human selves. These elements may be disarranged, altered, undifferentiated, and consequently alter our capacity to find meaning and purpose in our lives. This core understanding underlies the work of InnerDialogue utilized by practitioners and taught worldwide.
The four different natures of a human.
InnerDialogue also has its history co-mingled with Osteopathic medicine–particularly Cranial osteopathy–as well as Applied and Clinical Kinesiology, TCM [Traditional Chinese Medicine], and functional biochemistry and nutrition. InnerDialogue further developed when it was incorporated into a sophisticated model using a particular form of kinesiology that is ontological in form.
Ontological Kinesiology
Kinesiology used as a tool for a precise ontological enquiry, brought InnerDialogue into its present form. This process covered many years and through the tutelage of Brian Butler (UK), Dr Meldener DC (Fr), Dr John Bandy DC (US), and Dr Alan Beardall DC (US), who were all instrumental in Solihin’s introduction to kinesiology as a tool for dialogue.
Kinesiology as a flawed system
Solihin’s approach has been directed more at looking at kinesiology as a flawed system because of the physiologically adept, instinctual human’s sophisticated reflexive, adaptive, flexible neurology that can makes muscle testing (relatively) inaccurate. The present form of InnerDialogue is a sophisticated approach to counter the innate inaccuracies of kinesiology and utilize that information for precise dialogue.
Mudras or hand gestures
Mudras are a sophisticated gesture-driven language that accesses the somatosensory cortex and causes a momentary change of muscle function; a strong muscle will change to one that appears to be weak or to offer no resistance, and a weak muscle (assuming it is functional) will revert to being integral and strong. This is functional muscle testing developed by Dr. Goodheart DC in the early seventies and distinct from the husband and wife team of physiotherapists, the Drs Kendall, who developed kinetic muscle testing of the origin and insertion of the body’s individual muscles. Dr. Alan Beardall developed many hand modes (mudras), which he used clinically and called his variation of Applied Kinesiology Clinical Kinesiology. Mudras, when placed in the hand of the client (patient), when relevant to the immediate dialogue, make a change in either a weak or strong muscle. This is a feedback mechanism–a dialogue between practitioner and patient. When a mudra elicits a change in muscle state, the mudra is seen is being relevant to the immediate story. The mudra is held in one hand and again placed into the other hand of the client; this should make a further change from weakness to strength or vice versa, depending on where one starts. Each mudra carries a piece of information–atlas (C1), the pelvis, the fifth lumbar, a muscle or ligament, and a reactive muscle. These mudras guided the practitioner into a linear treatment protocol, manually correcting the body in the sequence of the mudras that the client accepted.
InnerDialogue and mudras
In 1986, Alan Beardall, DC, Solihin’s mentor, was killed in a car crash in Wales. In the following days, Solihin, accompanied by a colleague Haakon Lovell LAc, both received spontaneously a particular mudra that was not in Alan’s lexicon. It opened a way forward from a purely somatic interpretation of health to an ontological frame of how we function and, when altered, ontologically, is the precursor to dysfunction. This process started a long journey over many years, whereby Solihin received some sixteen hundred or so hand modes. Over this time, he started to recognize that he was downloading a book of understanding. This would cover the ontological premise of illness, dysfunction, and the journey back into health.
The Constellation Process of InnerDialogue
InnerDialogue has been taught since 1987 in various guises, under several different names, and workshops, and has continued to be developed in its protocol, approach, and understanding over time. Coupled with this therapeutic and organizational approach, the Thoms also developed a sophisticated constellation process–the Human Template Model– which developed simultaneously in a similar but markedly different approach from Systemic Constellations pioneered by the German psychologist Bert Hellinger. Both systems use the idea of a constellation–an arrangement of ‘people’ or ‘elements’ around a particular axis, fulcrum, subject, or question. Just as stars create a particular constellation, we do the same, using a stop-motion process guided by the stop–moments of surrender that allow participants to be moved by spirit to illustrate the unfolded dynamic. The process is systemic, involving all the participants and allowing for a sophisticated and precise narrative to be revealed.
Business constellations
This HTM constellation process is at the heart of Ad Humanitas’ approach in business. We utilize this process to illustrate the dysfunctional elements within an entity, a department, in management, and goals, and to help reveal and rectify the inherent dysfunction to enable the business to gain economic and social health; vibrancy, creativity, purpose, whether individual, departmental or global, and to formulate (new) goals and outcomes. Contact us for further details.