Day 1
- The three days facilitate an initial understanding of ontology–the study of being; in context to the outer and inner natures of a human being. This is the underlying philosophical consideration and a functional, constitutional, physiological, behavioural, and mental model of the human.
- This facilitates understanding of function and dysfunction–what forces affect us, and what elements or virtues can change our state?
The initial history of ontology
- A short explanation of ontology is the study of being and what elements co-create a fully functional human that may be contingent or missing to make that whole. This includes the question of why.
- Description and explanation of the underlying premise: the realms that coexist within our corporeal or structural body and the distinction between our functional selves and our inner Self or Essence. This includes the chain of ancient and modern philosophers who have contributed to this model.
Description of constellations
- The various approaches utilised by the students and teachers of Bert Hellinger’s original principles and processes in Systemic Constellations, including the differences employed by Human Template and the reasons and methods behind them. The timelines of their respective developments.
- The rationale behind the ‘Knowing Field’ or entanglement theory helps us understand the dynamic behind this approach’s efficacy.
- To arrange the participants in an ideal hierarchical ranking—five levels of humanity—and to shift, modify, blend, or transform the internal relationships of these elements to observe what the human experiences, feels, or perceives in their physiology through these changes.
- We alternate the groups so that everyone can become the ‘human’ possessing these other subordinate parts and what happens as things change within them.
- It is important to note how their internal architecture alters state when it is not in its ‘correct’ order but becomes dominant over our humanity.
- NB The term correct infers that we must be able to have all our elements capable of becoming dominant at any time to warn us of danger, old history, inclement situations, etc. These reflexive dynamics are imperative for survival, but the realm or lesser self must also return to its correct position.
Illustration of a constellated human
- We take a person into the centre of the room and have them choose their functional elements from the available participants. These representatives, as they are known, represent the internal architecture of the person: their [1] constitutional fundamental material self, their [2] physiological functional self, and their [3] behavioural and neurological doing self. If they want, they can also choose a higher order of Self that represents their [5] religious, spiritual, or fully (higher) congruent self.
- The three elements are placed in supposed order as if the person is a fully functional [4] human.
- We introduce the surrender model but first emphasise its various triggering elements in our social and linguistic sphere. Then, we break it down into five neurological paradigms: ‘submission to a unified field, surrender or mindfulness (open receptive brain), pause (hold back on the reins), quiet (balance of feelings within), and silence.’
- We then take a moment of surrender and see what happens to the line-up. The extraordinary thing is that the system often moves out of alignment or re-arranges itself to reveal the person’s state.
- The practitioner may help by adding another person as an element if that’s been articulated by one of the representatives, etc. They clarify, audibly, what unfolds.
- The process is repeated several times until the disorder becomes apparent or the order reasserts itself.
- The consequence of any constellation, whether a process to reveal what they need to understand via a question, need, wish, problem, future pacing, or relationship, is that the process unfolds and reveals the situation and its resolution.
Day 2 and 3
The introduction of the psychospiritual elements into the collective understanding as tools for resolution
- As with any process, we need resolution. Introducing these pillars as virtues or qualities represents the existential medicine for resolution.
- The psychospiritual pillars are twofold. They are hierarchical, develop over time, and often do not appear in order as people experience life’s vagaries.
- Here, we present the caduceus, the ancient symbol of medicine, refined to enhance our understanding and appreciation of the specific human virtues it imparts.
- Secondly, we outline the evolution of love through the heart, an organ in development; love grows through stages.
- One or both of these elements may appear in the constellation, usually as spoken clues and cues, and then be brought into the system to help reorganise the organism.

Constellations for the participants
- The three-day workshop is experiential. It involves group and individual constellations as the participants articulate their needs or wishes. Thus, it involves little or large vignettes or full-organised constellations to help reveal what is at the heart of the matter.
- Unfortunately, as the process is free-flowing, the timetable is subject to the dynamic of the group and the process at hand.
- However, it is always mediated by the facilitator, whose role is to contain, halt, guide, and elucidate the process during the constellation to assist the individual or group in understanding their internal journey. The facilitator may curtail the constellation if necessary or if sufficient information has been gathered.
- The participants will have a working understanding of their internal self, both their functional self and their inner Self or essence.
- They can differentiate between the three elements of self – a logically ordered structured self, a gestalt, narrative-driven self and an inner Self.
- They will recognise the tools that help: the Caduceus as a toolbox of qualities to organise their lives and the heart as an instrument of love that supersedes all else and governs life itself at its highest order.
- Recognizing this as an evolutionary step removes the notion of hierarchy and encompasses states of consciousness that broaden and expand our capacity as human beings. The process is multidimensional and is not merely a hierarchical tool but also horizontal.
- In this way, if put into practice, this knowledge is life-altering.